Ministry for Adults

Bible After Dark (B.A.D.)

When:  The first Wednesday of the month beginning September 6 at 6:30 p.m.

Where:  The Brewerie

We will gather to share from Bible Stories for Adults and discussion of what these stories we learned in Sunday School still men for us today.

Adult Forum

First Session:

When:  Sundays; October 6, 13, 20 / November 3, 10, 17 at 9:15 am

Discussion:  Approaching the Bible

Second Session:

When:  Sundays; December 1, 8, 15 at 9:15 am

Discussion: Singing with Luke

Third Session:

When:  Sundays: January 19, 26 / February 2, 9, 16, 23 at 9:15 am

Discussion:  Mission and Ministry

Fourth Session:

When:  Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 / April 6 at 9:15 am

Discussion:  Immortal, Invisible God

Brown Bag Bible

When: Wednesdays at 12:00 noon for Bible Study and Discussion.  You are invited to bring a bag lunch.

Paging Through with Pastor Jay

Bi-monthly book group gathering the second Monday of the "odd" months beginning September 9, 2024.

Dinner with Our Flock  

When:  The third Wednesday of the month (September, October & November) beginning at 5:30 p.m.

What:  Family dinner with the main dish provided followed by a Bible lesson, activity and craft.

OWLS – Older and Wiser Lutherans

“Older” disciples who gather for fellowship and spiritual growth.

Care Ministers

Disciples who bring Holy Communion to congregational homebound. 

Health Ministers

Disciples who raise awareness of health needs and create programs to restore us to wholeness.

Congregational Life

Disciples who create ways for the community to come together through food and service.

Prayer Ministry

Disciples who intentionally pray for those in need and guide the congregation in deeper ways of prayer.

Magic Fingers Grace Group

Disciples meet to knit and crochet prayer shawls, pocket cross squares, NICU blankets and hats.  A ministry of warmth and caring to share with others. 


Feb, 24, 2025
Feb, 25, 2025
Feb, 26, 2025